i have had a major realization this summer... the girls are not babies anymore. they are big. big personalities. loud. funny. big amount of courage. exploring. pursuing. big joys. each other. doggies. big dreams. doctor. engineer. teacher. nurse. big conversation. the day's events. the future. big laughs. silly jokes. hilarious dances. big ideas. inventing. creating. big attitude. stubborn. strong. logical. big hugs. big challenges. big tasks. big passions. big accomplishments. big girls. it seems as though the days of bottles and diapers, baby talk and cooing, swaddling and rocking to sleep are l-o-n-g gone. and i miss that sometimes. in fact, sometimes i cry when i think of how sweet and serene it was when they used to take their naps on me. i will often tear up when my mind replays images of those first smiles and the sounds of those first giggles, or the first time they said "i love you." i cannot help but smile when i think of them signing "more...
moments of flutter and life and learning