We have all experienced heartache. Our hearts feel empty, hollow, sometimes they feel filled.. but with emptiness and pain. There are different degrees and different depths, and different methods of comfort, of restoration, or healing. Sometimes the heartache is brought on by a pang of regret, a flood of memories, the reality of a situation... and sometimes, often, it is triggered by loss . The loss of a dream, a chance, hope, joy, opportunity. And the heartache that leads us to a curl up into a small corner of our world, to a small dark space of isolation and of sobbing, heaving, clinging to small shards of life, of light, of hope -- the heartache that is associated with the loss of life. Whether it is of a friend, acquaintance, coworker, neighbor, or even a "stranger" that we have somehow grown connected to... this pain overwhelms us. And when it is the loss of family -- a grandparent, aunt or uncle, cousin, mother or father... child (whether young or old, or simply a ...
moments of flutter and life and learning