so... the girls have a million names for everyone, and i just had to record a list, so that i could remember how ridiculous and repetitive and silly they are: for Rocky rocky nee-nee rockerbock rockel roccoli broccoli (that one they made up at 18 months.. witty, right?) cutie pie bud puppy friend sweetheart honey child buddy doogy doggy rockstar rocky boo boo sweetie pie best friend for Daddy daddy nee nee dudda dada duddy deedee daddy mr. daddio (hilarious, btw) john samuel johnny mr. johnny best friend mommy's husband nee nee for Mommy mommy nee nee mummy mama mommy leesha beautiful mommy mama eesha sweet pea yunyo mama teacher linda boo boo mom mom mom mama leeler for each other biyah micai sissy sister friend twinny yunyo grandma (one of their favorites for each other) anna cutie baby eesha sweetie baby nee nee stinko bud sister spanky sweetie leesha best friend husband ( i know) the list grows longer ev...
moments of flutter and life and learning