today i am reflecting on the amazing blessings and promises of an all-powerful and Loving God.
i see His Glory in so much around me and am reminded daily of His forgiving and sensitive nature.
i think of how Viyah and Caiah have enriched my life and challenged me to press deeper into God for His wisdom and mercy and constant counsel. i am in desperate need of His heart and His nature.
i see how His Love has enveloped the girls' lives... how they pray for the most minor details and thank Him even for their hurt. they talk about what Jesus would want them to do and how He would be proud if they shared and were kind. their favorite type of music? "country... just kidding. Christian" they emphatically say.
two years old and their favorite part of the week is Sunday morning church. they rush to get ready on time so that they can "praise Jesus" with mommy and daddy before going off to class. they love learning about God and the Bible and have already begun to understand the many roles He plays in our lives... Savior, Shepherd, Father, Friend. they look forward to learning new hymns from daddy as they proudly raise their hands when singing their contemporary worship songs like mommy.
as i fall in love with them more each day, i think about how God's Love for me surpasses even this.
how He sees all my faults and my rebellion and my broken promises and pride and chooses to Love me and care for me and hold me and wipe my tears.
it is the most complex of loves and yet the most simple.
His Love is selfless and pure and good.
it is so much of what i love about my life.
it is so much of my assurance.
i see His Glory in so much around me and am reminded daily of His forgiving and sensitive nature.
i think of how Viyah and Caiah have enriched my life and challenged me to press deeper into God for His wisdom and mercy and constant counsel. i am in desperate need of His heart and His nature.
i see how His Love has enveloped the girls' lives... how they pray for the most minor details and thank Him even for their hurt. they talk about what Jesus would want them to do and how He would be proud if they shared and were kind. their favorite type of music? "country... just kidding. Christian" they emphatically say.
two years old and their favorite part of the week is Sunday morning church. they rush to get ready on time so that they can "praise Jesus" with mommy and daddy before going off to class. they love learning about God and the Bible and have already begun to understand the many roles He plays in our lives... Savior, Shepherd, Father, Friend. they look forward to learning new hymns from daddy as they proudly raise their hands when singing their contemporary worship songs like mommy.

how He sees all my faults and my rebellion and my broken promises and pride and chooses to Love me and care for me and hold me and wipe my tears.
it is the most complex of loves and yet the most simple.
His Love is selfless and pure and good.
it is so much of what i love about my life.
it is so much of my assurance.
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