i thought about what an understanding of this concept would do -- not only for my girls' evaluation of themselves, but for their understanding and treatment of those around them.
my daughters,
remember that you are fierce. you have a spirit of boldness and a truth that blazes brightly.
you are special and set apart and chosen for this specific time in the history of the world.
i truly believe that, and i pray you do too.
you have been given a confidence and an assurance that you are going to be alright. no matter the circumstance or the obstacle, there will be opportunities to succeed and overcome. if you do not, that is okay too. in all the ways that matter, you will be alright. you will lose and you will learn and you will keep on going. you are more than a conqueror, so claim that.
you are amazing. because you are you and because you were made in His image. please know your worth does not come from worldly expectations or unrealistic standards. you are creative and colorful and prized. you are lovely, inside and out. your beauty stems from your kindness, your empathy, your compassion, and your ability to extend love to others.
because you were made in the image of God, you have the ability to shine that same glorious light. be a positive force in this world, speak up for those whose voices have been silenced or ignored, and stand up for justice.
you have also been given a certain freedom in this life.
free will is an important component of the human experience. you are indeed chosen. however, in the end, you choose whom you serve, where your loyalties lie, what treasures you store up, and what occupies your heart. this freedom is invigorating and should be exercised by all. and it is this priceless freedom that makes the experience of salvation so authentic. your heart can hold the secrets of eternity; with honest pursuit, you can truly see the face of God.

but remember that you are not the only one. it is easy to be empowered with the knowledge that you were formed in incredible ways. but be aware that everyone else was also. strive to be gentle and embrace humility.
choose joy, show kindness and work toward peace. you are on a mission of Love.
if and when someone attempts to convince you that you are not beautiful or precious or valued or even loved,
remember whose you are. remember where you came from. remember where you are headed.
be strong. be bold. be courageous.
imago dei, girls.
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