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things i love

so i'm not going to lie, as of late, there have been some frustrating moments raising the girls... two toddlers who are competitive, curious, strong-willed, smart, and loud are wonderful, but those characteristics definitely present their own challenges.

they throw tantrums - kicking and screaming, or they suddenly start crying, and this can often be set off by the tiniest thing... the wrong cup, her sister got to do something first, someone answered a question correctly before she did, her food is not arranged properly on her plate, wrong socks, wrong pants, wrong shirt, the weather was rainy, rocky won't sit, rocky won't lick her hand, rocky won't shake her hand, rocky won't stay, wrong colored crayon, the stars in her bedroom are off and then the stars are on, her sticker doesn't stick anymore, she got reprimanded for not listening, she had to be put in a time-out...

and even with all the mystery and confusion, there are so so many things that i love about raising my girls... so many unique and special and wonderful moments that i get to experience on a daily basis...

i love their original songs - they will belt out a tune and lyrics that they make up as they sing - and it involves everything, partial lyrics to other songs, whatever activity is happening at the moment, Bible verses, malayalam, quotes they've heard, and stories they have been longing to tell.

i love their crazy and curly hair - i adore that i take time to tie up or clip their perfect little curls and within the time span of one game, one song, one meal, or one nap, the clip or ponytail is undone and their hair looks delightfully wild, untamed, unruly... a perfect little representation of who they are.

i love their interaction with one another - they talk to each other before nap and bedtime every day - usually about thirty minutes before they go to bed, (they have been doing that for about a year), they will call each other the silliest nicknames and talk about things that only they understand, they will apologize and forgive so willingly with one another, they crack each other up, to the point of rolling-on-the-ground or throw-your-head-back laughter, they wake each other up and like to play in the same room, they constantly check on one another even on the potty...

i love their ever-growing vocabulary, their willingness to learn, and language capability. their tone and delivery for their so-very-important announcements and directions and advice for mommy and daddy are so impressive and so hilarious. they seek new words and new meaning in every conversation.

i love that they are creative. the way they dress at home, the games they make up, the way they view the world and make connections... they have this incredible ability to be so humorous and so smart in various ways. it astounds me. they are so artistic and focused when they are creating something.

i love their confidence. they are aware that they are leaders. they know who they are and what is important already. they are bold and brave. they love hearing that they are smart, gorgeous, special... but most of all that Jesus loves them. they love knowing that He has a special plan and purpose for each of their lives. their confidence comes from that also, and i am so happy about that.

i love that they are so lovable. they are constantly hugging and kissing and snuggling. they are saying "i love you" or singing "i adore you" or telling mommy or daddy or rocky that we are beautiful as they hug our neck and cover us in smooches. there is a lot of love in this house.

i love that they sleep so perfectly. they have us tuck them in and chat for a while, and then when they sleep, it is so serene and peaceful. i mean, it looks like it is the most pleasant sleep in the world. curled up under the blanket (viyah) or sprawled out with sheets kicked off (caiah), even their sleep is precious.

i love that although they love dressing up and trying on clothes, they are tomboys. i love that they wrestle and catch lightning bugs and chase spiders. i love that they like to get dirty if it means they are exploring or discovering something, and they have no problem picking up any ball for any sort of game to work on their throwing and catching skills.

i love their beautiful faces - yes, they are incredibly cute and they have these amazingly large and bright brown eyes. they have the cutest little noses and ringlets of curls that frame their face. i love their long, thick lashes. they still have the tiniest amount of chub in their cheeks and when they smile they look absolutely gorgeous. they have the slightest difference in their features and i love that too. but it is not the physical features. it is the fact that their little faces are symbols of them. their little noses crinkle when they are trying to be cute. their brown eyes sparkle with mischief before they do something naughty. their cheeks are usually stuffed with food because they completely enjoy everything about eating. it is not the unique perfection of their faces, in a physical sense, that i am in love with.

it is just simply them that i have fallen in love with. all of them.

these (and a million more) are the things i love.


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