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Seasonal Joys

This season with the girls has been amazing. I am not simply referencing the whimsy of summer -- the fun activities outside involving water play and sunny skies or the late night snuggling. 

I am thinking about this season of life…. these incredible chapters that are being co-written by two bright and amazing little girls.

This is just a short list of what I am so incredibly grateful for these days:

The morning snuggles when I am still in bed, and they carefully crawl in to cuddle – “Wake up smiling, Mommy, I am kissing you”.

Their reminder to start the day with a Bible verse and the prayers that follow… prayers that can be incredibly poignant and sincere while equally and shockingly comedic.

The constant lessons and poems and stories they are spinning… some true, some completely fictional, some loosely based on real events.

The way they greet each other, with such enthusiasm and longing, after sleeping in separate rooms for their naps – “Hi Sister Boom, I missed you!”

The incredible adoration they have for Rocky… and any dog, horse, pony, monkey, llama, kitty, butterfly, and peacock we may cross paths with.

Their fascination with books and the simple routine of reading together before nap time and taking one book up, each, so they can read themselves to sleep.

The way their faces light up with pride when they finish writing their letters or spell a word, or when they eat all of their food, or when they sing an original song, or when they have a really good day – “I had no misbehaving, right?!”

Having days at home with them, to watch them explore and express and grow.

The hilarious way they reprimand one another until the one “in trouble” says, “Stop it! You are not my parent!”

The depth of love in their eyes when they look at me from across the room – “Mommy? I love you. So much. And I care for you.”

The way they sing songs from church with emotion and conviction, well beyond their years.
The loud appreciation and affection -- so apparent in their movements, dancing, and shouts -- for daddy when he comes from work.  

Their spunky style coupled with their traditional view on “dressing appropriately” because “my body is my temple.”

Their sense of humor, which can be physical, basic, and silly, but also full of wit and puns… sprinkled with some dead-on impersonations.

Their curiosity about life and death and God and nature and justice and fairness that gives life to thoughtful and philosophical questions that challenge my knowledge and comprehension… and patience!

Endless entertainment and kissies and huggies and laughter and joy… brought to me by the most beautiful little girls in the world – little girls who have sparkling wide eyes, bouncy curls, caramel skin that has turned to milk chocolate hues, a unique perspective, complex personalities, ambition and competitiveness, a love for Jesus, an interest in all people, empathy and prayers for those who are in need, and a remarkable confidence in all the things that matter.

I know that seasons will change and that each season holds its own value and lessons and challenges and triumphs… each season necessary for this manuscript of my life, intertwined with theirs, being ever-written and constantly changed, revised, edited.

But this season, this chapter -- wow. I sure am grateful. 


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